Thursday, 15 April 2010

A sigh of relief, and filming videos.

OK, so I guess you're all dying to know how my studio computer is...

Good news! It's fixed! There was a VST plugin that had 'gone rogue' and was stopping Cubase from loading. Plugin identified by watching the loading messages on Cubase, then removed from the VSTPlugins folder and it's all fixed! Woop!

Of course to keep the ying and yang of technology balanced, the digital fates have now decreed that Andy's laptop won't load Pro Tools, or edit video...

The video editing thing is a bit of a problem, since we're in the process of creating a video for our track 'Has To Be Done'. This is a far cry from the last video we made, but instead comprises of Andy and I filming a lot of stuff in the dark.

I've mentioned before about how important YouTube is as a source of information these days and this is definitely true of emerging artists. However, it's often easy to be lazy about such things and post up videos of songs with single still images over them. We're guilty of it ourselves, but with such a wealth of material that we want to make available on YouTube, we have to cut corners somewhere.

In order not to cop out completely, we like to make sure that there are proper videos for some of our tracks every so often, so that's where this video comes in.

Hopefully it will be ready in the next couple of weeks (if we can get a video editing computer working again...) so keep an eye out for it then!

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